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The Prancing Horse Issue 139 – Second Quarter 2001


The Prancing Horse #139

Secondo Quadrimestre 2001

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The qurterly magazine of the Ferrari Club of America


Dallas 2001: A Ferrari Odyssey; Future meets Past preview of 2001 Annual Meet in Dallas, Texas
FCA Librarian- Donations Sought; New Librarian David Smith Takes Over
Dallas 2001: A Ferrari Odyssey; Future Meets Past preview of 2001 Annual Meet in Dallas, Texas, preview of 2001 Annual Meet Track events in Dallas, Texas
Enzo Ferrari in European Automotive Hall of Fame choosing Enzo Ferrari as one of its 13 charter members
Dallas 2001: A Ferrari Odyssey; Future Meets Past Daily schedule of planned events in Dallas, Texas
Pacific Region and Ferrari of San Francisco Honor Sergio Pininfarina
Laura Ippoliti Obituary
Ferrari Market Letter Celebrates 26 Years Rumors Lies & Innuendoes
Willy-Peter Daetwyler has Died Race driver obituary
Charles Pozzi: the Archetype of the Gentleman Racer Rumors Lies & Innuendoes
Wolfgang Graf Berghe von Trips: Race Car Driver: Gauld Mine by Graham Gauld
Photo Mystery: What Car is This? 857 Sport photograph and information
Alberto Ascari, by Karl Ludvigson Book Review by Dave Siebert
Black Beauty, by Bob Michaud 375 Plus cabriolet s/n 0488 AM, King Leopold car
Touring-Produced Automobiles 250 SWB Berlinetta 1959, 250 GTO 1962, 275 GTB 1964, 375 Plus 1955
Cuisine of the Ferraristi Carmen Nicklins recipe for the first Founders dinner
An Excerpt from Ferrari Light by J.A. Martin IMSA GTP Lights series car
Though it Does Quack and Waddle: F50 GT1, #001 by Keith Bluemel
Derek Bell on the F50 GT1 addition to article by Keith Bluemelon F50 GT1
F50 GT1 Specifications by Keith Bluemel
A Strong Start: F1 Racing this Season
Sports Prototype and GT Ferraris Racing Aroundthe World by Jeff Allison

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